eventsfor colleagues, families and the community

ICS feed Events for March 9th 2020

Past events

Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management Level Two - 12 hour training for medium/high risk settings

Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management Level Two - 12 hour training for medium/high risk settings

Monday 9th March 2020

Positive Behaviour Management Level Two is a two-day course designed to deliver proven, safe strategies for anyone managing challenging behaviour in medium-risk settings. It provides an understanding of the causes of challenging behaviour, along with respectful, supportive and practical strategies for de-escalation and crisis intervention. All techniques that we teach are situated within an approach to behaviour management which seeks to minimise the need for physical intervention and maintain positive relationships. Aimed at individuals who support people with documented special needs or challenging behaviours, and who may pose a risk to themselves or others, the course will provide a thorough grounding in practical behaviour management strategies. It will equip individuals with a sophisticated understanding of challenging behaviour, and the social and legal context around its management. It will cover strategies of personal safety, team work and de-escalation, as well as teaching effective positive handling techniques: these include guiding, escorting and safe holding in various positions.


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